Kenneth Kiesler BBC Singers Christopher Bowers Broadbent Richard Troxell Carolina Chamber Chorale Margery Dodds Timothy Koch Aaron Miller Charles Osborne Rochester Singers Samuel Adler Karl Dent Texas Tech University Choir Kenneth Davis Sarah Graves Academy of St Martin in the Fields Chorus Elaine Close Patrick Mason Joseph Cullen Michael Sokol Barry Snyder Howard M Stahl Avner Ital Hans Peter Blochwitz Vale Rideout
Gottlieb Love Songs for Sabbath Three Candle Blessings Psalmistry
Timothy Koch Carolina Chamber Chorale Margery Dodds Rachel Gottlieb Kirsten Chavez Tovah Feldshuh Cheryl Bensman Rowe New York Motet Choir Metropolitan Brass Ensemble Neil Farrell Stephen Sturk Kenneth Davis Sarah Graves Lisa Rogers Texas Tech University Choir Karl Dent Clinton Barrick John Haspel Gilbert Harry Huff Southern Mississippi University Jazz Ensemble University of Southern Mississippi Chorale Robert Abelson
Christopher Bowers Broadbent Patrick Mason Kenneth Kiesler BBC Singers Raphael Frieder Sarah Graves Texas Tech University Choir Kenneth Davis Jennifer Davison Joseph Cullen Academy of St Martin in the Fields Chorus Avner Itai Spectrum Meir Finkelstein Ted Christopher