Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Stravinsky The Rite of Spring MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Stravinsky The Rite of Spring
  • Artist: Riccardo Muti & The Philadelphia Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 24
  • Release Date: July 1, 1992

Track List:


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 Promenade I I Gnomus Promenade II by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 II Il vecchio castello Promenade III by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition III Tuileries Orch Ravel M A 24 by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 IV Bydło Promenade IV by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition V Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks Orch Ravel M A 24 by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 VI Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuÿle Promenade V by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 VII Limoges le marché by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 VIII Catacombae by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 IX Cum mortuis in lingua mortua by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 X The Hut on Fowl s Legs Baba Yaga by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Pictures at an Exhibition M A 24 XI The Great Gate of Kiev by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Introduction by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Les augures printaniers Danses des adolescentes by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Jeu du rapt by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Rondes printanières by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Jeux des cités rivales by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre Cortège du Sage by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau I L adoration de la Terre L adoration de la Terre Le Sage Danse de la Terre by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Introduction by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Cercles mystérieux des adolescentes by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Glorification de l élue by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Évocation des ancêtres by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Action rituelle des ancêtres by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra


Le Sacre du printemps Tableau II Le sacrifice Danse sacrale by Riccardo Muti The Philadelphia Orchestra
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