Saint Saëns Carnival of the Animals Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Saint Saëns Carnival of the Animals Prokofiev Peter and the Wolf
  • Artist: Richard Stamp & Academy of London
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 16
  • Release Date: January 1, 1989

Track List:


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 I a Introduction by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 I b Marche royale du lion by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 II Poules et coqs by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 III Hémiones by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell



Le carnaval des animaux R 125 V L éléphant by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 VI Kangourous by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 VII Aquarium by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 VIII Personnages à longues oreilles by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 IX Le coucou au fond des bois by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 XI Pianistes by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


Le carnaval des animaux R 125 XII Fossiles by Richard Stamp Academy of London Anton Nel Keith Snell


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