Handel The Rival Queens MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Handel The Rival Queens
  • Artist: Catherine Bott, Dame Emma Kirkby & The Brandenburg Consort
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 25
  • Release Date: September 1, 1997

Track List:


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 1 No 1 Overture by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 1 No 2 Sinfonia by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 1 Che vidi Che mirai Lisaura Rossane by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Catherine Bott Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 1 No più soffrir non voglio Lisaura by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 1 Placa l alma Rossane Lisaura by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Solitudine amate Rossane by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Aure fonti ombre gradite Rossane by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Pur troppo veggio d Alessandro il core Lisaura by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Che tirannia d amor Lisaura by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Svanisci oh reo timore Rossane by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Alessandro HWV 21 Act 2 Dica il falso dica il vero Rossane by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Admeto Re di Tessaglia HWV 22 Act 2 Il ritratto d Admeto Antigona Alceste by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Admeto Re di Tessaglia HWV 22 Act 2 La sorte mia vacilla Antigona by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Admeto Re di Tessaglia HWV 22 Act 2 Quest è dunque la fede Alceste by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Admeto Re di Tessaglia HWV 22 Act 2 Vedrò fra poco Alceste by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Riccardo Primo Re d Inghilterra HWV 23 Act 3 Morte vieni ma in van ti chiamo oh morte Costanza by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Riccardo Primo Re d Inghilterra HWV 23 Act 3 A me nel mio rossore Pulcheria Costanza by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Riccardo Primo Re d Inghilterra HWV 23 Act 3 Quando non vede la cara madre Pulcheria by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Siroe Re di Persia HWV 24 Act 2 A costei che dirò Emira Laodice by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Siroe Re di Persia HWV 24 Act 2 L aura non sempre Laodice by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Siroe Re di Persia HWV 24 Act 2 Si diversi sembianti Emira by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Siroe Re di Persia HWV 24 Act 2 Non vi piacque ingiusti dei Emira by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman


Tolomeo Re di Egitto HWV 25 Act 1 E dove e dove mai Seleuce by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Tolomeo Re di Egitto HWV 25 Act 1 Fonti amiche aure leggiere Seleuce by The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman Catherine Bott


Tolomeo Re di Egitto HWV 25 Act 3 Ti pentirai crudel d aver offeso Elisa by Dame Emma Kirkby The Brandenburg Consort Roy Goodman
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