Milken Archive Digital Volume 12 Album 1 Legend of Toil and Celebration Songs of Solidarity Social Awareness and Yiddish Americana MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Milken Archive Digital Volume 12 Album 1 Legend of Toil and Celebration Songs of Solidarity Social Awareness and Yiddish Americana
  • Artist: Amy Goldstein, Raphael Frieder, Neil Levin, Coro Hebraeico, Patrick Mason, Ronald Corp, The London Chorus, William Hancox, Benzion Miller, Abba Bogin, Zalman Mlotek, Russel Ashley, Richard Kosowski, Robert Abelson, Elizabeth Shammash & Robert Bloch
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 18
  • Release Date: February 5, 2013

Track List:


Mayn yingele arr R Williams for choir by Coro Hebraeico Neil Levin


Frayhat gezang Mayn tsavoe Makhnes geyen arr R Williams for choir by Coro Hebraeico Amy Goldstein Neil Levin



Third Seder of the Arbeter Ring Workmen s Circle Zol kleyn un gros haynt redn by Richard Kosowski Robert Abelson Elizabeth Shammash Robert Bloch Zalman Mlotek Russel Ashley Amy Goldstein


Third Seder of the Arbeter Ring Workmen s Circle Arbeter Ring Himen Anthem of the Workmen s Circle by Robert Abelson Elizabeth Shammash Richard Kosowski Robert Bloch Amy Goldstein Zalman Mlotek Russel Ashley
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