Weill Die Dreigroschenoper The ThreePennyOpera is one of the gorgeous album of
Kurt Gerron Harald Paulsen Carola Neher Arthur Schroder Dreigroschen Band Theo Mackeben Ludwig Ruth Dreigroschenoper Band Lotte Lenya Lewis Ruth Band Erika Helmke Otto Klemperer Berlin Staatsoper Orchestra members Wind Orchestra Pierre Chagnon Orchestra Lys Gauty Odette Florelle Jean Lenoir Orchestra Marianne Oswald Gerda Madsen Haller Revue Jazz Orchestra Marek Weber Orchester Marek Weber . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
August 1, 2010 and contains
23 tracks
of duration
1 hour, 11 minutes and 34 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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