Aure T A Cantatas The School of Anacreon Delia Frolick and Free The Morning Lydia Bacchus and Ariadne MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Aure T A Cantatas The School of Anacreon Delia Frolick and Free The Morning Lydia Bacchus and Ariadne
  • Artist: Capella Savaria, Timothy Bentch, Mary Terey-Smith, Zsolt Kalló & Maria Zadori
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 19
  • Release Date: January 1, 2006

Track List:


The School of Anacreon Recitative The festive board Aria Tell me not the Joys by Capella Savaria Timothy Bentch Mary Terey Smith Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori


The School of Anacreon Aria Business title pomp and state But let Love let Life be mine by Timothy Bentch Capella Savaria Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori Mary Terey Smith


Delia Recitative From golden slumber Aria O er Hill and Dale by Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori Timothy Bentch Capella Savaria Mary Terey Smith


Delia Aria The sun too soon withdraws his Pow r O let us then the Time improve by Zsolt Kalló Timothy Bentch Mary Terey Smith Capella Savaria Maria Zadori


Frolick and Free Aria Frolick and Free for pleasure born by Capella Savaria Timothy Bentch Maria Zadori Zsolt Kalló Mary Terey Smith


Frolick and Free Aria But God of Sleep Invade me not since we must be oblig d When I can laugh by Mary Terey Smith Timothy Bentch Maria Zadori Zsolt Kalló Capella Savaria


The Morning Aria and Recitative The Lark his warbling matin sings The Village up the Shepherd tries his Pipe by Maria Zadori Timothy Bentch Zsolt Kalló Mary Terey Smith Capella Savaria


Lydia after Sappho Recitative Beneath this sad and silent Gloom Aria Lovely Maid by Capella Savaria Timothy Bentch Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori Mary Terey Smith


Lydia after Sappho Recitative I dream of her unequall d Charms Aria Anguish waste by Maria Zadori Timothy Bentch Mary Terey Smith Zsolt Kalló Capella Savaria


Lydia after Sappho Recitative No let him Triumph Aria Wander Lydia so will I by Timothy Bentch Capella Savaria Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori Mary Terey Smith


Bacchus and Ariadne Recitative The faithless Theseus Ariadne Aria Ah Theseus stay by Maria Zadori Zsolt Kalló Mary Terey Smith Timothy Bentch Capella Savaria


Bacchus and Ariadne Recitative The Jolly God Bacchus Aria Cease lovely Nymph to weep by Mary Terey Smith Zsolt Kalló Timothy Bentch Maria Zadori Capella Savaria


Bacchus and Ariadne Aria I am Bacchus God of Wine Recitative With soft reluctance by Capella Savaria Maria Zadori Zsolt Kalló Mary Terey Smith Timothy Bentch


Bacchus and Ariadne Aria Learn hence ye fond Maidens who droop and who pine by Mary Terey Smith Zsolt Kalló Timothy Bentch Capella Savaria Maria Zadori


Advice to Chloe Recitative All these foolish notions Aria From thy Watchful Mother flying by Zsolt Kalló Maria Zadori Mary Terey Smith Capella Savaria Timothy Bentch
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