Offenbach J Les Brigands is one of the gorgeous album of
Theo Altmeyer Cologne West German Radio Chorus Cologne West German Radio Orchestra Evelyn Künneke Gerhard Peters Gerd Vespermann Otto Hopfner Barbara Dommer Hubert Mohler Jean van Ree Rita Fischer Martha Modl Margret Jacoby Heinz Kruse Doris Bierett Heinz Heidbuchel Gottfried Mehlhorn Alejandro Vazquez Kurt Steigers Jorg Pavelec Friedegard Herwig Eva Csapó Pinchas Steinberg Marita Knobel . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
March 1, 2010 and contains
20 tracks
of duration
1 hour, 18 minutes and 7 seconds with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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