Bach Praise and Thanks Canatas is one of the gorgeous album of
Arleen Auger Gabriele Schreckenbach Adalbert Kraus Walter Heldwein Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium Helen Watts Siegmund Nimsgern Wolfgang Schone Helen Donath Julia Hamari Philippe Huttenlocher Frieder Lang Württemberg Chamber Orchestra Heilbronn Mechthild Georg Niklaus Tüller Ulrike Sonntag Aldo Baldin Elisabeth Graf Ann Murray Hildegard Laurich Lutz Michael Harder Kathrin Graf Helrun Gardow Margit Neubauer Gabrielle Schnaut Peter Schreier . Album's primary genre is
Classical , it was released on
June 29, 2010 and contains
126 tracks
of duration
2 hours and 32 minutes with a soft, smooth, and pleasant sound.. .
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Play button and click Play. Click to
Download button to download mp3. .