Bach J S Book of Chorale Settings A MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Bach J S Book of Chorale Settings A
  • Artist: Gerhard Gnann, Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Helmuth Rilling, Stuttgart Bach Collegium, Michael Behringer, Sibylla Rubens, Michael Gross, Andreas Schmidt, Ingeborg Danz & James Taylor
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 28
  • Release Date: January 1, 2000

Track List:


Christ Ist Erstanden Chorale Prelude BWV 627 Chorale Setting BWV 276 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Christus Ist Erstanden Hat Uberwunden Chorale Setting BWV 284 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Erstanden Ist Der Heilge Christ Chorale Setting BWV 306 Chorale Prelude BWV 628 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Das Orgelbuchlein BWV 599 644 Heut Triumphieret Gottes Sohn Chorale Prelude BWV 630a by Gerhard Gnann


Kommt Wieder Aus Der Finstren Gruft Sacred Song BWV 480 Chorale Setting BWV Deest Wiemer 10 by Michael Behringer Sibylla Rubens Michael Gross Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium



Jesus Meine Zuversicht Chorale Prelude BWV 728 Chorale Setting BWV 365 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Jesus Unser Trost Und Leben Sacred Song BWV 475 by Gerhard Gnann Andreas Schmidt Ingeborg Danz Helmuth Rilling


Jesus Christus Unser Heiland Chorale Setting BWV 364 Chorale Prelude BWV 626 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Christ Lag In Todesbanden Chorale Setting BWV 277 BWV 278 Chorale Prelude BWV 718 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Als Vierzig Tag Nach Ostern War Chorale Setting BWV 266 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Valet Will Ich Dir Geben Chorale Prelude BWV 736 Chorale Setting BWV 415 by Gerhard Gnann Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Nun Freut Euch Gottes Kinder All Chorale Setting BWV 387 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Nun Freut Euch Lieben Christen Gmein Chorale Setting BWV 388 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


18 Chorales BWV 651 668 Leipziger Chorale Komm Gott Schopfer Heiliger Geist Chorale Prelude BWV 667a by Gerhard Gnann


Gott Wie Gross Ist Deine Gute Sacred Song BWV 462 by Michael Behringer Sibylla Rubens Michael Gross Helmuth Rilling


Des Heilgen Geistes Reiche Gnad Chorale Setting BWV 295 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


Nun Bitten Wir Den Heiligen Geist Chorale Setting BWV 385 by Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart Helmuth Rilling Stuttgart Bach Collegium


18 Chorales BWV 651 668 Leipziger Chorale Komm Heiliger Geist Chorale Prelude BWV 652a by Gerhard Gnann




Fuga Super Allein Gott In Der Hoh Sei Ehr BWV 716 by Gerhard Gnann
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