Stars and Stripes MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Stars and Stripes
  • Artist: Boston Pops Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 21
  • Release Date: May 11, 1993

Track List:


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa I First Campaign by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa II Second Campaign by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa III Third Campaign by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa IV Fourth Campaign by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa Fifth Campaign V Variation I by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa Fifth Campaign V Variation II by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa Fifth Campaign Coda VII Allegro Molto by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Stars and Stripes After Music By John Philip Sousa Fifth Campaign Finale VIII The Stars and Stripes Forever by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk I Grand Walkaround by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk II Wallflower Waltz by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk III Sleight of Feet by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk IV Perpendicular Points by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk V Freebee by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk VI Magic Act Introduction of the Magicians Venus and the Three Graces the Wild Pony Pas de Deux Ride Out by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra


Cakewalk Suite after Music By Louis Moreau Gottschalk VII Finale Gala Cakewalk by Arthur Fiedler Boston Pops Orchestra
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