Vivaldi Oboe Concertos Nos 8 12 13 Concerto for Oboe and Bassoon RV 571 MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Vivaldi Oboe Concertos Nos 8 12 13 Concerto for Oboe and Bassoon RV 571
  • Artist: Kurt Redel
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: November 10, 2008

Track List:


Concerto for Oboe and Strings No 8 In a Minor I Allegro by Kurt Redel Camerata Labacensis


Concerto for Oboe and Strings No 8 In a Minor II Largo by Kurt Redel Camerata Labacensis


Concerto for Oboe and Strings No 8 In a Minor III Allegro by Kurt Redel Camerata Labacensis


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 12 In F Major RV 457 I Allegro Con Molto by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 12 In F Major RV 457 II Allegro Molto by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 12 In F Major RV 457 III Andante by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 13 In a Minor RV 463 L Allegro by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 13 In a Minor RV 463 LI Largo by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for Oboe Streicher and B c No 13 In a Minor RV 463 LII Allegro by Emanuel Abbühl Howard Griffiths Strings of Zurich


Concerto for 2 Oboes Bassoon 2 Horns Violin Strings and Organ In F Major RV 571 I Allegro by I Musici di San Marco Alberto Lizzio


Concerto for 2 Oboes Bassoon 2 Horns Violin Strings and Organ In F Major RV 571 II Largo by I Musici di San Marco Alberto Lizzio


Concerto for 2 Oboes Bassoon 2 Horns Violin Strings and Organ In F Major RV 571 III Allegro by I Musici di San Marco Alberto Lizzio
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