Schoenberg 6 Orchestral Songs Kol Nidre Friede Auf Erden MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Schoenberg 6 Orchestral Songs Kol Nidre Friede Auf Erden
  • Artist: David Wilson-Johnson, Philharmonia Orchestra & Robert Craft
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 18
  • Release Date: October 30, 2007

Track List:


6 Orchestral Songs Op 8 No 2 Das Wappenschild The Coat of Arms by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft


6 Orchestral Songs Op 8 No 3 Sehnsucht Longing by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft


6 Orchestral Songs Op 8 No 4 Nie Ward Ich Herrin Mud Ne er Mistress Did I Weary by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft


6 Orchestral Songs Op 8 No 5 Voll Jener Susse Filled With That Sweetness by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft


6 Orchestral Songs Op 8 No 6 Wenn Voglein Klagen When Little Birds Twitter by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft


Friede Auf Erden Peace On Earth Op 13 by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 1 Hemmung Inhibitions by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 2 Das Gesetz The Law by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 3 Ausdrucksweise Expression by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 4 Gluck Happiness by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 5 Landsknechte Mercenaries by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


6 Pieces Op 35 No 6 Verbundenheit by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


Ei Du Lutte Oh You Little One by Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


Moses Und Aron The Golden Calf and the Altar Excerpt Act II Scene 3 Bars 320 457 Tanz Der Schlachter Dance of the Butchers by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


Moses Und Aron The Golden Calf and the Altar Excerpt Act II Scene 3 Bars 671 820 Selig Ist Das Volk 70 Elders Du Goldener Gott A Young Girl Oh Goldener Gott 4 Naked Virgins by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale


Moses Und Aron The Golden Calf and the Altar Excerpt Act II Scene 3 Bars 824 912 The Wild Dance by Jennifer Welch Babidge Philharmonia Orchestra Robert Craft Simon Joly Chorale
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