Menotti Il Console The Consul MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Menotti Il Console The Consul
  • Artist: Virginia Zeani, Gianluigi Colmargo, Giovanni Fioroni & Thomas Schippers
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 27
  • Release Date: May 6, 2003

Track List:


Il Console The Consul Tu Reviendras Et Voudras M enfermer Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Oh Quanto Durera Cosi Oh When Will All This Sorrow End Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Come Si Chiama Magda Sorel What Is Your Name Magda Sorel Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Aspetta Fermo Sono Andati Mother Don t Move Yet Wait Have They Gone Mother Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Labbra Ditegli Addio Now O Lips Say Goodbye Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Interlude Si Cosa Desidera Yes What Can I Do for You Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Un Altro un Altro Tocca a Lei Next Next Go Ahead Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Posso Andare Dal Console May I Speak to the Consul Act One by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Tu Reviendras Et Voudras M enfermer Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Ma Mai Ho Visto un Pupo Piu Triste Di Te I ve Never Seen a Baby So Little and Sad Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul John John Perche Quei Rami John John Why Did You Bring Me All These Branches and Stones Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Mamma Mamma Calmati Magda Mother Mother What Is It Magda Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Signora Sorel Per Lei Ho Simpatia Madame Sorel I Like You Very Much Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Mamma Perche Taci Cosi Mamma Mother Why Are You So Still Mother Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Interlude Come Ha Detto Che Si Chiama What Did You Say Your Name Was Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Ma Come Ho Fatto How Did You Do It Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Ipnotismo Guardami Negli Occhi Hyptnotism Look Into My Eyes Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Anche Il Piu Grande Artista Even a Great Great Artist Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Dunque e Cosi Che L uoma Nega To This We ve Come That Men Withhold Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Carte Carte Carte Ma Quando Capira Papers Papers Papers But Don t You Understand Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Lei Diventa Irragionevole Signora Sorel You re Being Very Unreasonable Mrs Sorel Act Two by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Quante Volte Debbo Dirlo Signora Sorel How Often Must I Tell You Mrs Sorel Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Ha Visto Per Caso la Signora Sorel Have You Seen Mrs Sorel By Any Chance Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul E Andata Poco Male Tornera Domani She s Gone Oh Well She ll Be Back Tomorow Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Interlude Non Volevo Far Questo I Never Meant to Do This Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul Oh Dio Perdono Avanti Avanti Avanti Oh God Forgive Me All Aboard All Aboard All Aboard Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni


Il Console The Consul La Danza Comincia Magda Amor Mío The Dance Is On Magda My Dear Act Three by Thomas Schippers Virginia Zeani Gianluigi Colmargo Giovanni Fioroni
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