Sternfeld Symphony No 1 Rossiniazata MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Sternfeld Symphony No 1 Rossiniazata
  • Artist: Frédéric Devreese & Moscow Symphony Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 18
  • Release Date: May 15, 1996

Track List:


Symphony No 1 I Adagio Molto Allegro Impetuoso by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


4 Interludes and Finale from the Opera Mater Dolorosa Interlude 1 Allegro Agitato by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


4 Interludes and Finale from the Opera Mater Dolorosa Interlude 2 Molto Agitato by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


4 Interludes and Finale from the Opera Mater Dolorosa Interlude 3 Allegro Adagio Espressivo by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


4 Interludes and Finale from the Opera Mater Dolorosa Interlude 4 Molto Allegro by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


4 Interludes and Finale from the Opera Mater Dolorosa Finale Andante Tranquillo Con Molto Espressione by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Introduzione Allegro Molto Vivace by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Petite Polka Chinoise Little Chinese Polka Allegro Brillante by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Prelude Inoffensif Inoffensive Prelude Andantino by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Une Petite Pensee A Little Thought Allegro Moderato by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Saltarello a L italienne Allegretto Moderato by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini La Candeur Francaise French Candour Allegretto by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Un Petit Train de Plaisir A Little Pleasure Train Allegretto by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Memento Homo Andante Maestoso by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Assez de Memento Dansons Enough of Remembrances Let Us Dance Allegro Moderato by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra


Rossiniazata Orchestral Suite after Piano Music of Giachino Rossini Douleur Aigue Des Heritiers Acute Pain of the Heirs Allegro Vivace by Frédéric Devreese Moscow Symphony Orchestra
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