Vocal Recital Baroque Kirkby Emma MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Vocal Recital Baroque Kirkby Emma
  • Artist: Dame Emma Kirkby
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 81
  • Release Date: February 1, 2009

Track List:


Salve Regina HWV 241 Salve Regina Largo Adagio by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Salve Regina HWV 241 Eja ergo advocata nostra Allegro by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Salve Regina HWV 241 O clemens o pia Adagissimo by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Sonata by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Recitativo O qualis de caelo sonus by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Ad plausus ad jubila by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Recitativo Eja ergo mortalis by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Gaude tellus benigna by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


O qualis de coelo sonus HWV 239 Alleluja by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Sonata by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Recitativo Caelestis dum spirat aura by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Felix dies praeclara serena by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Recitativo Vestro religiosi principes by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Tam patrono singulari by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Coelestis dum spirat aura HWV 231 Alleluja by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Sit nomen Domini benedictum by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 A solis ortu usque ad occasum by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Quis sicut Dominus by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Ut collocet eum cum principibus by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Qui habitare facit by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Laudate pueri HWV 236 Psalm 112 Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque


Nun komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 61 text by Martin Luther Nun komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 61 Offne dich mein ganzes Herze by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben BWV 147a Bereite dir Jesu noch itzo die Bahn by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


Cantata Ach Gott und Herr Choral Ach Gott und Herr by Dame Emma Kirkby Theatre of Early Music


Cantata Ach Gott und Herr Recitativo Accompagnato Oh Gott was hab ich doch getan by Dame Emma Kirkby Theatre of Early Music


Cantata Ach Gott und Herr Aria Seufzt und weint by Dame Emma Kirkby Theatre of Early Music


Cantata Ach Gott und Herr Recitativo Secco Doch Seele geh zuruck by Dame Emma Kirkby Theatre of Early Music


Cantata Ach Gott und Herr Aria Stelle dich zufrieden by Dame Emma Kirkby Theatre of Early Music


3 Lecons de tenebres Premiere Lecon de Tenebres pour le Mercredi Saint by Dame Emma Kirkby Terence Charlston Charles Medlam


3 Lecons de tenebres Troisieme Lecon de Tenebres pour le Mercredi Saint by Dame Emma Kirkby Agnes Mellon Charles Medlam Terence Charlston


Troisieme Lecon de Tenebres du Mercredi Saint s118 by Dame Emma Kirkby Charles Medlam Terence Charlston


Non so qual più m ingombra I Recitative Non so qual più m ingombra by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


Non so qual più m ingombra II Aria Che sara Chi a me lo dice by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


Non so qual più m ingombra III Recitative E nato al fin mi dice by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


Non so qual più m ingombra IV Pastoral Aria Nacque col Gran Messia by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


O di Betlemme altera povertà venturosa I Recitative O di Betlemme altera poverta venturosa by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


O di Betlemme altera povertà venturosa II Aria Dal bel Segno d una Stella by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


O di Betlemme altera povertà venturosa III Recitative Presa d uomo la forma by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam


O di Betlemme altera povertà venturosa IV Aria L autor d ogni mio bene by Dame Emma Kirkby London Baroque Charles Medlam
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