Sibelius Songs Vol 2 MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Sibelius Songs Vol 2
  • Artist: Monica Groop & Love Derwinger
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 27
  • Release Date: March 31, 1994

Track List:


Kung Kristian II Op 27 No 4 Sangen om korsspindeln Fool s Song of the Spider version for voice and piano Kung Kristian II King Christian II Op 27 No 4 Sangen om korsspindeln Fool s Song of the Spider version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


5 Christmas Songs Op 1 No 1 Nu star jul vid snoig port Now Christmas stands at the snowy gate Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


5 Christmas Songs Op 1 No 2 Nu sa kommer julen Now Christmas Is coming Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


5 Christmas Songs Op 1 No 3 Det morknar ute Outside It Is getting dark Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


5 Christmas Songs Op 1 No 4 Giv mig ej glans ej guld ej prakt Give me no splendour gold or pomp Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


5 Christmas Songs Op 1 No 5 On hanget korkeat nietokset High Are the snowdrifts Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 1 Alven och snigeln the River and the Snail Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 2 En blomma stod vid vagen a Flower in the Path Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 3 Kvarhjulet the Millwheel Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 4 Maj May Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 5 Jag ar ett trad the Tree Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 6 Hertig Magnus Baron Magnus Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 7 Vanskapens blomma the Flower of Friendship Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


8 Songs Op 57 No 8 Nacken the Elf King Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


Hymn to Thaïs the Unforgettable JS 97 Hymn to Thais the Unforgettable JS 97 by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 72 No 3 Kyssen the Kiss Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 72 No 4 Kaiutar the Echo Nymph Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 72 No 5 Der Wanderer und der Bach Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 72 No 6 Hundra vagar har min tanke a Hundred Ways Version for voice and piano by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 1 Varfornimmelser the Coming of Spring by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 2 Langtan heter min arvedel Vain longings Are my heritage by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 3 Dold Forening Hidden Union by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 4 Och finns det en tanke and Is there a thought by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 5 Sangarlon the Singer s Reward by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


6 Songs Op 86 No 6 I systrar I broder I alskande par Ye sisters ye brothers ye loving couples by Monica Groop Love Derwinger


Små flickorna Little Girls JS 174 Sma flickorna Little Girls JS 174 by Monica Groop Love Derwinger
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