Great Operatic Arias Vol 3 MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Great Operatic Arias Vol 3
  • Artist: Dennis O'Neill, David Parry, Philharmonia Orchestra, Susan Bullock, Clive Bayley, Anthony Michaels-Moore & Geoffrey Mitchell Choir
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 21
  • Release Date: November 1, 1998

Track List:


Turandot SC 91 Act III None may sleep Nessun Dorma Calaf by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Luisa Miller Act II Oft in the quiet evening hour Quando le sere al placido Rodolfo by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


I Lombardi alla prima crociata Act II My heart is full of happiness La mia letizia infondere Oronte by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


The Force of Destiny Act III I am condemned to live in torment Alvaro by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


The Force of Destiny Act III You who are among th angelic host La vita è inferno Alvaro by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Un Ballo in Maschera Act II Take my hand Gustavus Amelia by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra Susan Bullock


Un Ballo in Maschera Act II Don t you know in my heart and my spirit Gustavus Amelia by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra Susan Bullock


Un Ballo in Maschera Act II The sweetest glowing fire of love Teco io sto Non sai tu che se l anima mia Gustavus Amelia by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra Susan Bullock


Lucia di Lammermoor Act III My ancestors lie here buried Edgardo Raimondo Chorus by Clive Bayley Geoffrey Mitchell Choir David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Lucia di Lammermoor Act III A lonely grave will shelter me Edgardo Raimondo Chorus by Clive Bayley Geoffrey Mitchell Choir David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Lucia di Lammermoor Act III Such misfortune Edgardo Raimondo Chorus by Clive Bayley Geoffrey Mitchell Choir David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Lucia di Lammermoor Act III Rest in peace for I shall follow Fra poco a me ricovero Edgardo Raimondo Chorus by Clive Bayley Geoffrey Mitchell Choir David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


The Force of Destiny Act III Careful Lay him here Piano Qui posi Don Carlo Alvaro Surgeon by Anthony Michaels Moore Clive Bayley David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


The Force of Destiny Act III In death s awful shadow Solenne in quest ora Don Carlo Alvaro by Anthony Michaels Moore David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


L arlesiana Act II Surely the shepherd s story is a sad one È la solita storia del pastore Federico by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Manon Act II Enchanting hour En fermant les yeux Des Grieux Dream Song by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


L Africaine Act IV What a wondrous sight Oh land of dreams O paradis sorti de l onde Vasco by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Manon Lescaut SC 64 Act II Never has any woman moved me so deeply Donna non vidi mai Des Grieux by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Turandot SC 91 Act II Don t cry for Liu Non piangere Liù Calaf by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Fedora Act II A love so pw rful Amor ti vieta Count Loris Ipanov by David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra


Les pêcheurs de perles GB 4 Act I And from the holy shrine Au fond du temple saint Nadir Zurga by Anthony Michaels Moore David Parry Dennis O Neill Philharmonia Orchestra
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