Ars britannica Old Hall Manuscript Madrigals Lute Songs MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Ars britannica Old Hall Manuscript Madrigals Lute Songs
  • Artist: Pro Cantione Antiqua
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 41
  • Release Date: March 17, 2023

Track List:


Alma proles regina From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua Alan Cuckston


Qualis est dilectus meus From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript Also Attributed to Plummer by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua


Gloria II From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua


Salve porta paradisi From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua


Credo II From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua


Agnus Dei From British Library MS 57950 Old Hall Manuscript by Bruno Turner Pro Cantione Antiqua


Madrigals to 3 6 Voices No 15 Those Sweet Delightful Lilies by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Ayres or Phantasticke Spirits for Three Voices No 3 Some Men Desire Spouses by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The First Set of English Madrigals No 19 Retire My Troubled Soul by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Madrigals to Four Voices No 17 Hark Jolly Shepherds by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Psalmes Songs and Sonnets No 19 Come Woeful Orpheus by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Ayres or Phantasticke Spirits for Three Voices No 6 Come Sirrah Jack Ho by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The First Set of English Madrigals No 8 O My Thoughts Surcease by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Madrigals to Four Voices No 18 Die Now My Heart by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Songs of 3 6 Parts No 8 O Let Me Die for True Love by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The First Set of Madrigals No 10 Lady When I Behold by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Ayres or Phantasticke Spirits for Three Voices No 1 Come Let s Begin to Revel t Out by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Second Set of Madrigals and Pastorals No 19 Care for Thy Soul by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The Second Set of Madrigals No 15 As Matchless Beauty by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The First Set of Madrigals No 4 Weep O Mine Eyes by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Canzonets or Little Short Aers No 16 You Black Bright Stars by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


Songs of 3 6 Parts No 9 Oyez Has Any Found a Lad by GEOFFREY MITCHELL Pro Cantione Antiqua


The First Booke of Songs or Ayres No 17 Diaphenia Like the Daffdowndilly by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


Ultimum vale No 12 Thinkst thou Kate to Put Me Downe by Christopher Wilson James Griffett


The First Booke of Songs or Ayres No 16 Down a Down by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres No 17 A Shepherd in a Shade by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


The Second Booke of Songs or Ayres No 12 Fine Knacks for Ladies by Christopher Wilson Ian Partridge William Hunt


A Pilgrims Solace No 17 Where Sin Sore Wounding by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua


First Book of Ayres Contayning Divine and Morall Songs No 11 Never Weather Beaten Sail by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


First Book of Ayres Contayning Divine and Morall Songs No 20 Jack and Jone by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


Musicke of Sundrie Kindes No 8 Since First I Saw Your Face by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt


The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires No 17 I Must Complain by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua


Second Book of Ayres Contayning Light Conceits of Lovers No 19 A Secret Love by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson


A Pilgrims Solace No 2 Sweet Stay Awhile by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua


Mr Dowland s Midnight P 99 by Christopher Wilson


The First Booke of Songs or Ayres No 6 Now Oh Now I Needs Must Part by Ian Partridge Pro Cantione Antiqua Christopher Wilson William Hunt
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