Verdi Don Carlos Highlights MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Verdi Don Carlos Highlights
  • Artist: Alberto Hold-Garrido, Jaako Ryhanen, Royal Court Orchestra & Lars Cleveman
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 21
  • Release Date: July 25, 2006

Track List:


Don Carlos Act I The Forest At Fontainebleau Introduction and Chorus Su Cacciator by Alberto Hold Garrido Chorus of the Royal Swedish Opera Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act I The Forest At Fontainebleau Romance Io la Vidi e Al Suo Sorriso by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Lars Cleveman


Don Carlos Act II Scene 1 The Clositer of the Yuste Monastery Prelude by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Chorus of the Royal Swedish Opera


Don Carlos Act II Scene 1 The Clositer of the Yuste Monastery Duet E Lui Desso L infante by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Lars Cleveman Martti Wallen Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act II Scene 2 Outside St Yeste Monastery Gate Veil Song Nel Giardin del Bello by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Hillevi Martinpelto Ingrid Tobiasson Iwa Sorenson


Don Carlos Act II Scene 2 Outside St Yeste Monastery Gate Romance Carlo Eh e Sol Il Nostro Amore by Alberto Hold Garrido Hillevi Martinpelto Ingrid Tobiasson Royal Court Orchestra Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act II Scene 2 Outside St Yeste Monastery Gate Perche Accusar Il Cor by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Lars Cleveman Ingrid Tobiasson


Don Carlos Act II Scene 2 Outside St Yeste Monastery Gate Romance Non Pianger Mia Compagna by Alberto Hold Garrido Hillevi Martinpelto Jaako Ryhanen Royal Court Orchestra Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act III Scene 1 The Queen s Garden Chorus Quanti Fior e Quante Stelle by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Ingrid Tobiasson


Don Carlos Act III Scene 2 A Square In Front of Valladolid Cathedra Finale Spuntato Ecco Il Di by Alberto Hold Garrido Chorus of the Royal Swedish Opera Royal Court Orchestra



Don Carlos Act IV Scene 1 The King s Study Scene Ella Giammai M amo by Alberto Hold Garrido Jaako Ryhanen Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 1 The King s Study Scene Il Grand Inquisitor by Alberto Hold Garrido Bengt Rundgren Klas Hedlund Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 1 The King s Study Scene Giustizia O Sire by Alberto Hold Garrido Hillevi Martinpelto Jaako Ryhanen Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 1 The King s Study Quartet Ah Sii Maledetto by Alberto Hold Garrido Jaako Ryhanen Royal Court Orchestra Ingrid Tobiasson Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 1 The King s Study Scene Aria O Don Fatale by Alberto Hold Garrido Ingrid Tobiasson Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 2 Don Carlos s Prison Aria Per Me Giunto by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Lars Cleveman Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act IV Scene 2 Don Carlos s Prison Aria O Carlo Ascolta by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Peter Mattei


Don Carlos Act V The Monastery At St Yuste Aria Tu Che Le Vanita Francia Nobile Suol by Alberto Hold Garrido Hillevi Martinpelto Royal Court Orchestra


Don Carlos Act V The Monastery At St Yuste Ma Lassu Ci Vedremo by Alberto Hold Garrido Royal Court Orchestra Lars Cleveman Hillevi Martinpelto


Don Carlos Act V The Monastery At St Yuste Finale Si Per Sempre Il Duolo Della Terra by Alberto Hold Garrido Jaako Ryhanen Royal Court Orchestra Bengt Rundgren Hillevi Martinpelto Martti Wallen
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