Handel Apollo e Daphne Crudel tiranno Amor MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Handel Apollo e Daphne Crudel tiranno Amor
  • Artist: Simon Standage, Collegium Musicum 90, Nancy Argenta & Michael George
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 23
  • Release Date: August 1, 1995

Track List:


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 I Recitative La terra e liberata The earth is freed Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 II Aria Pende il ben dell universo The well being of the universe Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 III Recitative Ch il superbetto Amore Let proud little Cupid Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 IV Aria Spezza l arco e getta l armi Break your bow and throw away your arrows Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 V Aria Felicissima quest alma Most fortunate is this soul Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 VI Recitative Che voce Che belta What a voice What a beauty Apollo Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 VII Aria Ardi adori e preghi in vano You desire adore and beseech in vain Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 VIII Recitative Che crudel How cruel Apollo Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 IX Duet Una guerra ho dentro il seno A war rages in my breast Dafne Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 X Recitative Placati al fin o cara Calm yourself O dear one Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XI Aria Come rosa in su la spina Like the rose on its stem Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XII Recitative Ah ch un Dio non dovrebbe Ah A God should love nothing Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XIII Aria Come in ciel benigna stella As Neptune s star in heaven Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XIV Recitative Odi la mia ragion Hear my reason Apollo Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XV Duet Deh lascia addolcire quell aspro rigor Pray Soften your unbending severity Apollo Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XVI Recitativo Sempre t adorero I shall always adore you Apollo Dafne by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XVII Aria Mie piante correte My feet run Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Apollo e Dafne HVW 122 XVIII Aria Cara pianta co miei pianti Dearest laurel with my tears Apollo by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Michael George


Crudel tiranno Amor HWV 97 I Aria Crudel tiranno Amor Cruel tyrannous Love by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Crudel tiranno Amor HWV 97 II Recitative Ma tu mandi al moi core But you send my heart by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Crudel tiranno Amor HWV 97 III Aria O dolce mia speranza O my sweet hope by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Crudel tiranno Amor HWV 97 IV Recitative Senza te dolce speme Without you sweet hope by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta


Crudel tiranno Amor HWV 97 V Aria O cara speme del mio diletto O dear hope of my delight by Simon Standage Collegium Musicum 90 Nancy Argenta
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