Stravinsky The Firebird The Chant of the Nightingale MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Stravinsky The Firebird The Chant of the Nightingale
  • Artist: Dmitri Kitajenko & Danish National Symphony Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 16
  • Release Date: November 1, 1991

Track List:


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Le jardin enchanté de Kastchei by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Apparition del oiseau de feu poursuivi par Ivan Tsarévitch by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Danse de l oiseau de feu by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Capture de l oiseau de feu par Ivan Tsarévitch by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Supplications de l oiseau de feu by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Jeu des princesses avec les pommes d or by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Brusque apparition d Ivan Tsarévitch by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Corovod des princesses by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Lever du jour by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Carillon féerique apparition des monstres gardiens de Kastchei et capture d Ivan Tsarévitch by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Apparition de l oiseau de feu by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Danse infernale de tous les sujets de Kastchei by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau I Berceuse L oiseau de feu by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra


The Firebird K 10 Tableau II Disparition du palais et des sortilèges de Kastchei by Dmitri Kitajenko Danish National Symphony Orchestra
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