Prokofiev The Tale of the Stone Flower MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Prokofiev The Tale of the Stone Flower
  • Artist: Gianandrea Noseda & BBC Philharmonic
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 46
  • Release Date: April 1, 2003

Track List:


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Prologue The Mistress of the Copper Mountain by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Prologue Danilo and his work by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 1 Danilo in search of the stone flower by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 1 Danilo meets his fellow villagers by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 1 Scene and duet of Katerina and Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 1 Interlude I Severyan and the workers by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Round dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Katerina bids farewell to her friends by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Maiden s dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Danilo s dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Unmarried men s dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Severyan s arrival by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Altercation over the malachite vase by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Scene of Katerina and Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 2 Danilo s thoughts by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act I Scene 3 Danilo enticed away by the Mistress of the Copper Mountain by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 The Mistress shows Danilo the treasures of the earth by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Duet of the Mistress and Danilo First Temptation by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Scene and Waltz of the Diamonds Second Temptation by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Dance of the Russian precious stones Third Temptation by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Waltz by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Danilo s monologue and the Mistress s reply by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 The Mistress shows Danilo the stone flower by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 4 Severyan and the workers The Mistress s warning by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 5 Scene and Katerina s dance Thinking of Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 5 Severyan s arrival by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 5 Where are you sweet Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act II Scene 5 The appearance of the Mistress and Katerina s joy by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 6 Ural Rhapsody by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 6 Interlude II by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 6 Russian dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Gypsy dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Severyan s dance by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Solo of the gypsy girl and Coda by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Katerina s appearance and Severyan s rage by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 The appearance of the Mistress and Scene of Severyan transfixed by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Severyan follows the Mistress by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 7 Severyan s death by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 8 Katerina sits by the fire and yearns for Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 8 Scene and Katerina s dance with the skipping fire spirit by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 8 Katerina follows the fire spirit by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 9 Katerina s dialogue with the Mistress by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 9 Danilo turned to stone by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 9 The joy of Katerina and Danilo s reunion by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 9 The Mistress presents gifts to Katerina and Danilo by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic


The Tale of the Stone Flower Op 118 Act III Scene 9 Epilogue by Gianandrea Noseda BBC Philharmonic
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