Lachrimæ Lyræ Tears of Exile MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Lachrimæ Lyræ Tears of Exile
  • Artist: Sokratis Sinopoulos, L'Achéron & François Joubert-Caillet
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 21
  • Release Date: May 24, 2019

Track List:


Lachrimæ antiquæ Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ antiquæ Novæ Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ gementes Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ tristes Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ coactæ Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ amantis Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Lachrimæ veræ Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Sir John Souch His Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


The King of Denmark Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


M Giles Hobies His Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Captaine Digorie Piper His Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


M Bucton his Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


M Nichols Almand Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


The Earl of Essex Galliard Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet


Semper Dowland semper Dolens Improvisation After the Lachrimæ or Seaven Teares by John Dowland by Sokratis Sinopoulos L Achéron François Joubert Caillet
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