Римский Корсаков Моцарт и Сальери соч 48 и Боярыня Вера Шелога соч 54 MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Римский Корсаков Моцарт и Сальери соч 48 и Боярыня Вера Шелога соч 54
  • Artist: Evgeny Nesterenko, Alexander Fedin & Mark Ermler
  • Genre: Opera
  • Total Track: 23
  • Release Date: January 1, 2015

Track List:


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 1 Introdiction by Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 1 Salieri s Monologue I Vse govoryat net pravdy na zemle by Evgeny Nesterenko Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 1 Mozart s Entrance Aga Uvidel ty by Evgeny Nesterenko Alexander Fedin Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 1 Scene in a Tavern I ty smeyatsya mogesh by Evgeny Nesterenko Alexander Fedin Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre



Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 1 Salieri s Monologue II Net ne mogu protivitsya ya by Evgeny Nesterenko Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 2 Introduction by Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre



Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 2 Nedeli tri tomu prishel ya pozdno domoi by Evgeny Nesterenko Alexander Fedin Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 2 Togda b ne mog i mir sushchestvovat by Alexander Fedin Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


Mozart and Salieri Op 48 Scene 2 Salieri s Monologue III Ty zasnesh nadolgo Mozart by Evgeny Nesterenko Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Overture by Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 1 Vot matushka boyaryshnya by Nina Grigorieva Olga Teryushnova Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 1 Lullabay Bayu bayushki bayu by Тамара Милашкина Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 2 Chto Olenka pod pesenku tvoyu zasnula by Тамара Милашкина Olga Teryushnova Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 2 Vera s Story Shla zamuzh ya nevoley by Тамара Милашкина Olga Teryushnova Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 2 Prosnulasya ya nochyu na posteli by Тамара Милашкина Olga Teryushnova Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre


The Noblewoman Vera Sheloga Op 54 Scene 3 The Return of the Boyar Dorogikh gostey ne zhdali by Vladimir Karimov Тамара Милашкина Olga Teryushnova Mark Ermler Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theatre
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