Donizetti Zoraida di Granata MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Donizetti Zoraida di Granata
  • Artist: Matthew Hargreaves, David Parry, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Majella Cullagh, Paul Austin Kelly & Bruce Ford
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 67
  • Release Date: January 1, 1999

Track List:


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Oh Partita un di si forte Populace by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Regina Nathan


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Pieghi la fronte audace Almuzir Populace by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Regina Nathan Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ma inesorabile Almuzir Populace by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Regina Nathan Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ali che fa Zoraida E ancor ricusa Almuzir Ali by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Vieni ah vieni o del sole piu bella Slaves by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields William Matteuzzi


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ah Cessate al mio dolore Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh



Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Donna t arresta Tanto odioso ti son Almuzir Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 A rispettarmi impara Almuzir Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Vorrei punir l altera Almuzir Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Che abisso funesto Zoraida Almuzir by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Pace tormenti atroci Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Zoraida in van ti chiamo Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Paul Austin Kelly



Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Si quell empio rivale Almuzir Ali by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Tanto propormi ardisci Abenamet Almuzir by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Bruce Ford Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ah mie furie Oh avverso fato Almuzir Ali Abenamet Zoraida by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 No non m inganna il cor questo Ines by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Cristina Pastorello


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Del destin la tirannia Ines by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Cristina Pastorello


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Come volando il folgore Soldiers Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh William Matteuzzi



Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Questo dunque e il mio brando il mio vessillo Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 D un fato spietato Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Perche vivo Abenamet Almanzor and His Abencerrage Followers by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Dominic Natoli Paul Austin Kelly



Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Rose che un di spiegaste Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 La ritrovai spergiura Ad ogni sguardo Abenamet Ali Zoraida by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Ma d un altro non sei Abenamet Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 T amo si t amai costante Zoraida Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Fuggi pur tu fuggi invano Almuzir Zoraida Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford Paul Austin Kelly


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Che vidi che ascoltai mi sorride fortuna Ines by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Cristina Pastorello


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Tetro di di feral sepolcral Zegri Guards by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Toby Spence



Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Ne miei lacci cadra quell indegno Almuzir by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Nel fior degl anni tuoi Populace by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Regina Nathan


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 I padri della patria udir le accuse Ali Almuzir Zoraida by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh Bruce Ford


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 Se non piango o dei clementi Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields Majella Cullagh


Zoraida di Granata Act 2 E calmata la procella All by Matthew Hargreaves David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ah Di speme un raggio amico Zoraida by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields


Zoraida di Granata Act 1 Ah Di speme un raggio amico Zoraida Reprise by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields


Zoraida di Granata Dov e dov e quel forte Soldiers Abenamet by David Parry Academy of St Martin in the Fields
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