Respighi Pini di Roma Feste romane Fontane di Roma MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Respighi Pini di Roma Feste romane Fontane di Roma
  • Artist: Boston Symphony Orchestra & Seiji Ozawa
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 12
  • Release Date: January 1, 1979

Track List:


Pines of Rome The Pines of Villa Borghese I pini di Villa Borghese by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Pines of Rome The Pines near a Catacomb Pini presso una catacomba by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Pines of Rome The Pines of the Janiculum I pini del Gianicolo by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Pines of Rome The Pines of the Appian Way I pini della Via Appia by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa




Fountains of Rome I The Valle Giulia Fountain at Daybreak La fontana de Valle Giulia à l alba by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Fountains of Rome II The Triton Fountain in the Morning La Fontana del Tritone al mattino by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Fountains of Rome III The Trevi Fountain at Midday La Fontana di Trevi al meriggio by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa


Fountains of Rome IV The Villa Medici Fountain at Sunset La Fontana di Villa Medici al tramonto by Boston Symphony Orchestra Seiji Ozawa
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