Biber Rosenkranz Sonaten MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Biber Rosenkranz Sonaten
  • Artist: Reinhard Goebel & Musica Antiqua Köln
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 16
  • Release Date: January 1, 1991

Track List:


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata I The Annunciation by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata II The Visitation Sonata Presto Allemande Presto by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata III The Nativity Sonata Presto Adagio Courante Double Adagio Adagio by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata IV The Presentation with 12 variations by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata V The Finding in the Temple Prealudium Presto Allemande Gigue Sarabande by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata VI The Agony in the Garden Lamento Adagio Presto Adagio I III by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata VII The Scourging of Jesu Allemande Variatio Sarabande Variatio by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata VIII The Crowing of Jesus with Thorns Adagio Presto Gigue Double I Presto Double II by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata IX Jesus carries His Cross Sonata Courante Double Finale by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata X The Crucifixion Praeludium Aria with 5 Variations by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata XI The Resurrection Sonata Adagio by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata XII The Ascension Intrada Aria Tubicinum Allemande Courante Double I by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata XIII The Descent of the Holy Ghost Sonata Gavotte Gigue Sarabande by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata XIV in D The Assumption of Our Lady Grave Adagio Aria I Aria II Gigue by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


15 Mystery Sonatas Sonata XV The Crowing of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sonata Aria Canzone Sarabande by Reinhard Goebel Musica Antiqua Köln


Passacaglia G Moll Without Tempo Indication Adagio Allegro Adagio by Reinhard Goebel

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