Children s Classics MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Children s Classics
  • Artist: Sir Peter Ustinov, Philip Ellis & Philharmonia Orchestra
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 41
  • Release Date: July 27, 2004

Track List:


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 I Introduction by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 II Peter by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 III The Bird by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 IV The Duck by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 V The Cat by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 VI Grandfather by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 VII The Wolf by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 VIII Rifles by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 IX Peter Goes Out Into the Meadow by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 X On a Branch Sat a Little Bird by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XI A Duck Came Waddling Along by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XII Suddenly Peter Noticed a Cat by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XIII Peter s Grandfather Came Out by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XIV A Big Grey Wolf by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XV The Cat Climbed Up the Tree by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XVI The Duck Climbed Out of the Pond by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XVII This Is How Things Stood by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XVIII Peter Ran Home and Took a Strong Rope by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XIX Bird Fly Down and Circle the Wolf s Head by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XX Peter Made a Lasso by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XXI Just Then Some Hunters Came Out of the Woods by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XXII Dont Shoot Let s Take Him to the Zoo by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XXIII A Triumphant Procession by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


Peter and the Wolf Symphonic Fairy Tale Op 67 XXIV The Duck Is Alive in the Wolf by Sir Peter Ustinov Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 I Introduction and the Royal March of the Lion by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 II Cocks and Hens by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 III Wild Asses by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 IV Tortoises by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 V The Elephant by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 VI Kangaroos by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 VII The Aquarium by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 VIII Personages With Long Ears by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 IX The Cuckoo in the Wood by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 X The Aviary by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 XI Pianists by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 XII Fossils by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 XIII The Swan by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis


The Carnival of the Animals A Grand Zoological Fantasy R 125 XIV The Finale by Philharmonia Orchestra Philip Ellis




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