Vivaldi Il Bajazet RV 703 Live MP3 Album Free Download

  • Title: Vivaldi Il Bajazet RV 703 Live
  • Artist: Hadleigh Adams, Russell Harcourt, Emily Edmonds, Christopher Lowrey, Helen Sherman, Sara Macliver, Orchestra of the Antipodes & Erin Helyard
  • Genre: Classical
  • Total Track: 52
  • Release Date: January 6, 2017

Track List:


Il Bajazet RV 703 Sinfonia I Allegro Live by Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Sinfonia II Andante molto Live by Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Sinfonia III Allegro Live by Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Del destin non dee lagnarsi Live by Hadleigh Adams Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Nasce rosa lusinghiera Live by Sara Macliver Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I in sì torbida procella After G Giacornelli Live by Christopher Lowrey Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Il Tartaro ama Asteria Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Quel ciglio vezzosetto Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Or sì fiero destino Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard



Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Sento brillar nel sen Live After G F Handel by Christopher Lowrey Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Amare un alma ingrata After J A Hasse Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I Qual guerriero in campo armato After R Broschi Live by Helen Sherman Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act I È bella Irene è ver Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Amico tengo un testimon fedele Live by Christopher Lowrey Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Anche il mar par che sommerga Live by Sara Macliver Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard



Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Stringi le mie catene Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Ah disperato Andronico Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II La sorte mia spietata After J A Hasse Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II La cervetta timidetta Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Gran cose espone Asteria Live by Helen Sherman Sara Macliver Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Sposa son disprezzata After G Giacomelli Live by Helen Sherman Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Dov è mia figlia Andronico Live by Hadleigh Adams Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act II Dov è la figlia Live by Hadleigh Adams Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Veder parmi or che nel fondo Live by Hadleigh Adams Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Lascerò di regnare Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Spesso tra vaghe rose After J A Hasse Live by Russell Harcourt Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Barbaro traditor Live by Christopher Lowrey Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Verrò crudel spietato After J A Hasse Live by Hadleigh Adams Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard



Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Vedrò con mio diletto Live by Helen Sherman Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Signore Bajazet ha bevuto il veleno Live by Sara Macliver Christopher Lowrey Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III È morto sì tiranno Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard


Il Bajazet RV 703 Act III Svena uccidi abbatti atterra After J A Hasse Live by Emily Edmonds Orchestra of the Antipodes Erin Helyard
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